The bag is designed with travel through airports in mind and as a result an optional rolling trolley can be used for transporting your gear. The sheer size of the bag may become an issue though if you’re expecting to take this bag as carry-on luggage. The bag is 52 x 37.5 x 27.5 centimetres and I just can’t see it fitting in those cages used to check baggage size at airports. I checked three separate airlines, Ryanair, Easyjet and British Airways and the dimensions of this bag exceed each airlines restrictions. Although I’m sure there must be an airline out there that will accept a bag this size, it’s no good if they don’t fly where you want to go. Personally I’d rather not chance it with an oversized bag either. Also the bag weighs around 3kg with everything attached, which means a fair amount of you cabin baggage weight allowance has already been taken by the bag, before you’ve even filled it with anything.